Saturday, January 2, 2010


This pic is currently my windows Wallpaper.
I took this pic during my Church's festival.
This pic tells you that, if you are patient with children, you will definitely end up with some unusual pics.
I put my flash on for this pic, as it was late in the night, and while you are shooting children, you need to have a very high shutter speed.
It has some drawbacks though, as you can see the shadow of the kid in the front on the face of the kid in the back side, even though it is not that predominant. I didn't do any editing in this pic, as I felt the original pic has turned out nicely.

Technical Specs:
ISO:800 (Due to low light, and I didn't want low shutter speed)
Aperture Size:f/7.1 (Better trade off between DOF and shutter speed)
Shutter speed:1/30s (Good enough to catch fast action)
Camera:Rebel XS
Lens:Canon 18-55mm IS lens

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Just lucky

Sometimes you have to be plain lucky to get a great photo. The above photo was shot when I was flying from Calcutta to Guwahati. I shot that photo with my Kodak 6MP Point and shoot camera which I bought for 8k a long time back. I was in the window seat and I was lucky to have my camera in my hand when the situations needed it.
The only thing which can make a good pic great is the composition. The above pic has a mixture of all the components in the correct levels.
The most important rule in composition is the 1:3 rule or the rule of the thirds. It says that you need to have the important component filling a two thirds of the picture. For complete description on the rule of thirds, please check the wiki page

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This kind of photos are called as Silhouette. Taking these photos are comparatively easy. Turn off the flash and stand in front of a bright background. The foreground, which can be you are some other object will turn out dark if you even keep the camera in Auto settings. In manual settings, keep the shutter speed at a comparatively faster rate.

Technical Specs:
Shutter speed:1/1000s
Aperture size:f/5.6

Blazing Past

The photo is taken from a train. The auto was moving past in the adjacent road. The photo gives the feeling of speed, as I kept the shutter speed low and followed the auto which was moving past me in the train.
Technical Specs:
Aperture Size:f/10.0
Shutter speed:1/20s
Camera:Rebel XS
Lens:Canon 18-55mm IS lens